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FIA survey

Invitation to Members of the General Public to Participate in Online Survey

Invitation to Members of the General Public to Participate in the Online Survey on Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Risks linked to Virtual Assets (VAs) and Virtual Assets Service Providers (VASPs).

Survey Link:

The Financial Intelligence Authority (FIA), a Ugandan government agency established under the Anti-Money Laundering Act (AMLA) of 2013, is conducting a sectoral Money Laundering (ML) and Terrorist Financing (TF) risk assessment on Virtual Assets (VAs) and Virtual Assets Service Providers (VASPs).

Why is this Important?

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), an international organization setting global standards for combating financial crime, requires countries to assess and understand the ML/TF risks arising from VAs and VASPs. This risk assessment will play a vital role in shaping Uganda's strategies to prevent and mitigate these risks, ultimately protecting our financial system and national security.

What are We Hoping to Achieve?

This risk assessment has several key objectives:

1) Identify and assess: The Country aims to pinpoint the specific ML/TF risks, threats, and vulnerabilities within the VAs and VASPs sector in Uganda.

2) Profile and classify: Based on the assessment, we will create a profile for VAs and VASPs, categorizing them according to their risk levels. This helps us prioritize resources and develop targeted mitigation strategies.

3) Develop actionable recommendations: Our assessment will lead to practical recommendations on how to effectively mitigate identified risks, reduce vulnerabilities that maybe used by criminals, and minimize threats associated with VAs and VASPs.

4) Outreach and monitoring: We will develop plans for ongoing outreach and monitoring activities, focusing on high-risk VAs and VASPs. This ensures continuous vigilance and adaptation to evolving threats. 5) Action plans for stakeholders: The risk assessment will inform the development of action plans that guide policymakers, the private sector, researchers, and academia in their efforts to combat ML/TF risks associated with VAs and VASPs.

How You Can be Part of the Solution!

We invite the general public to participate in a brief online survey.

Your honest feedback, perceptions and experiences are important in understanding the overall ML/TF risk landscape surrounding VAs and VASPs in Uganda. Whether you have used a VA service, considered using one, or simply want to contribute to a safer financial system, your participation matters.

Take the Survey Now!

Click on the link below to access the online survey. It's quick and easy!

Survey Link:

Thank you for your participation!

Together, we can build a more secure financial system for Uganda.