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Assessor's Training ESAAMLG

Assessor's Training ESAAMLG

Assessors Training (FIA/UNODC/ESAAMLG) - July 2024

The Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group (ESAAMLG), in collaboration with the Financial Intelligence Authority (FIA) and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), organized a comprehensive training program for Assessors from its member states. This significant event was held in Kampala, Uganda, from July 2 to July 5, 2024, and highlighted Uganda's commitment to tackling financial crimes.

Capacity Building Initiative

This capacity-building initiative targeted approximately 40 nominated officials from financial intelligence units, regulatory and supervisory authorities, prosecutorial authorities, and law enforcement agencies across ESAAMLG member countries. These officials were selected based on their expertise in financial, legal, and law enforcement fields, ensuring a high level of knowledge and experience in the training cohort. The training aimed to enhance the skills of assessors who will conduct mutual evaluations and assess compliance with the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) standards.

Training Objectives and Content

The training focused on both technical compliance and effectiveness aspects. Delivered by a team of experts and practitioners from the ESAAMLG Secretariat, the training included presentations, experience sharing, and group simulation exercises. Key topics covered during the intensive sessions included:

  • Risk and Context
  • Assessing Technical Compliance and Effectiveness
  • Data and Statistics
  • Effective Interviewing Techniques

Participants were trained on the FATF Recommendations 2012 and the FATF Assessment Methodology 2013. They were provided with theoretical tools and practical exercises to identify gaps in the anti-money laundering, counter-terrorism financing, and proliferation financing national frameworks. This training aimed to equip participants with the skills needed to provide objective and constructive recommendations for improvement to the assessed countries.

Importance of the Training

The training was particularly crucial in preparing new assessors for participation in ESAAMLG's third round of mutual evaluations, including the Uganda Mutual Evaluation scheduled for 2028. The assessment process enables ESAAMLG and its partners to identify areas needing technical assistance and training within its member countries. Successful completion of assessor training is a prerequisite for all experts to be invited to act as evaluators in the context of ESAAMLG and FATF assessments.

Acknowledgment of Support

We extend our deepest gratitude to the UNODC for their unwavering support in organizing this training. The success of this program would not have been possible without their dedication and resources. Additionally, we are profoundly thankful for the support provided by the Embassy of the Netherlands, whose contributions were instrumental in facilitating this event.

The collaborative efforts of ESAAMLG, FIA, UNODC, and the Dutch Embassy underscore a shared commitment to building robust frameworks for combating financial crimes in the region. Through continued partnerships and capacity-building initiatives, we can significantly enhance our collective ability to prevent and address financial crimes.