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Strengthening Cyber Safety and Ransomware Response

Strengthening Cyber Safety and Ransomware Response

In an era where cyber threats are growing in sophistication and scale, the importance of robust cybersecurity measures cannot be overstated. As the ICT Systems and Security Director at the Financial Intelligence Authority (FIA), I am pleased to share insights from our recent three-day workshop on cyber safety and ransomware attack response, held at the Imperial Royale Hotel. This workshop, funded and facilitated by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) with invaluable support from the Netherlands Embassy, is a testament to our commitment to enhancing cybersecurity and mitigating the risks associated with ransomware.

Following the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) February 2023 plenary, two new reports were issued focusing on countering ransomware financing. These reports analyse the methods used by cybercriminals to execute attacks and launder ransom payments, as well as identifying potential risk indicators. The guidance provided aims to improve the detection and prevention of suspicious transactions linked to ransomware.

One of the core focuses of the FATF plenary was the alarming increase in ransomware attacks, particularly the misuse of virtual assets (VAs), which enable criminals to escape undetected with significant sums of money. The IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence Index highlighted that in 2022, the Asia-Pacific region experienced the highest number of cyberattacks for the second consecutive year.

In Uganda, cybercrimes remain a critical concern. During the 2023/2024 Financial year, 245 cases of cybercrimes were reported to the police, marking a 14.3% decrease from the 286 cases reported in 2022. However, the financial impact of these crimes remains significant, with losses amounting to UGX 1,543,292,161 in 2023, of which only UGX 377,441,465 was recovered.

The FIA workshop aimed to equip participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively respond to ransomware incidents. It brought together cybersecurity experts, law enforcement officials, and IT professionals for an intensive learning experience covering incident response, analysis, containment, prevention, and recovery from ransomware attacks.

Participants learned the immediate steps to take when a ransomware incident occurs, including identifying the scope of the attack, isolating affected systems, and initiating communication protocols to minimize damage.

Experts from the United Nations provided in-depth sessions on analyzing ransomware attacks to understand their origin, methods, and potential impacts. Participants practiced techniques to contain the attack and prevent it from spreading within the network.

The workshop emphasized proactive measures to prevent ransomware attacks, such as regular system updates, robust backup practices, and employee awareness training. Strategies for recovering from ransomware incidents were also discussed, ensuring that organizations can restore their systems and data efficiently.

By providing hands-on training and expert insights, the workshop significantly enhanced the capabilities of participants in safeguarding their organizations against cyber threats. This initiative is part of a broader effort to strengthen cybersecurity resilience within the region.

The successful completion of this workshop underscores our dedication to combating cyber threats and enhancing national security. We are grateful to the UNODC and the Netherlands Embassy for their unwavering support in organizing this event. Their contributions were instrumental in facilitating this crucial training.

As we continue to face the growing challenges of cyber threats, it is imperative that we remain vigilant and proactive in our efforts to protect our financial and digital assets. The insights and skills gained from this workshop will empower our Authority to better detect, respond to, and prevent ransomware attacks. The FIA remains committed to fostering a secure and resilient cyber environment through continuous learning, collaboration, and the implementation of best practices.

Together, we can build a stronger defense against cybercrime and ensure a safer future for all.

Mr Cyrus Barigye is the ICT Systems and Security Director at the Financial Intelligence Authority (FIA). With extensive experience in cybersecurity, he is dedicated to enhancing the security posture of the organization and mitigating the risks associated with cyber threats.